An updated Life in the UK Test: Handbook 2014: Everything You Need for the British Citizenship Test is now available to buy.

The new handbook supports the UK Border Agency’s Life in the UK test for migrants wishing to seek permanent residence in the UK or naturalisation as a British citizen.

It has been updated to provide the reader with a more accurate reflection of living in the UK, with a greater focus on British culture and history. The handbook is user-friendly and has taken on board feedback from the user evaluation survey, the public and other interested parties.

The Life in the UK test handbook celebrates British achievements and prominent individuals in the fields of science, culture, literature and sport. It also highlights the natural beauty and major landmarks of the UK. There is information on government, democracy, the legal system and how individuals can contribute to their community, plus a greater emphasis on the responsibilities as well as privileges of living in the UK.

It will fit easily into a pocket or bag and includes useful ‘check that you understand’ boxes at the end of every section, and a glossary of key words and phrases.

A new Life in the UK test will be introduced after publication of the new handbook, to allow candidates time to prepare. Unlike the current test which only has questions on selected chapters, the new test will include questions on all sections of the new Life in the UK test handbook, meaning that candidates will be tested on their knowledge of history and the law.

Now the updated version for 2014 is here:


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